Thriving Warrior
I’m a mother, wife, friend, and a nurse who goes to Zumba to dance and de-stress. I happened to meet Mary Liu, the founder of Thriving Pink, at a Zumbathon benefitting the organization. So when a routine mammogram in January 2019 revealed a lump, she was the first person I reached out to.
The breast cancer diagnosis truly made my life “messy”. I had five surgeries in 2021 and 2022. I believe early detection saved my life.
“I never thought I would be a recipient of Thriving Pink’s resources,” says Chris. The non-profit organization has allowed me to meet many warriors and thrivers. I join everyone on the monthly Saturday morning walks and connect via Zoom to the Monday workshops.
I have learned more about breast cancer life through the Pink Speaker series as well as meditation, mindfulness, Yoga, Reiki, seasons of survivorship, worldwide clinical trials and so much more. My favorite part of the workshops is the “check-ins” at the end where the simple “how are you doing” goes a long way.
In addition to the medical plan I have with my team of doctors and medical personnel, I now also have a healing plan.
This story and photo was developed in partnership with @KLJ Studios in Woodland.